Corum – Corum on land and sea with Iguana Yachts Replica Watches Free Shipping

The companies rely on shared values which are creativity, luxe and above all a profound taste for technological innovation. The first achievements of this partnership formalized during a cocktail party at the Majestic Hotel in Cannes, will be announced starting now until the end of the year 2017.

Corum on land and sea with Iguana Yachts

Partnership Corum & Iguana Yachts © Corum

If the maritime world is ingrained in the DNA of Corum, it is above all this mindset that connects it to Iguana Yachts. This need to go beyond the limits and show that nothing is impossible, to be intuitive and inventive enough to give life to a boat on land, to become master of one’s time. 

This collaboration between two innovative manufacturers supported by their visionary directors is the reflection of a common enterprise culture, as confirmed by Jérôme Biard, CEO of Corum. “Iguana Yachts and Corum are driven by their creativity, the need to break free from the rules to fulfil dreams that seemed unrealisable to their peers.” He is joined by Antoine Brugidou, CEO, of the French shipyard, who added that “the combination of our images, because they convey similar values, opens perspectives that will be self-evident in time.”



There is a lot of debate on the topic of watches as art. Even though a watch needn’t be art to be of note, I’m a firm believer in their own potential to straddle the boundaries of purpose, form, and doctrine where appropriate. In the case of those Corum Watches No 1358 Price In India Replica Bubble watches, it is apparently a brand’s effort at developing a pure objet d’art. It’s true, the Corum Bubble watches are not love anything else that the brand makes (or similar to whatever anybody makes, for that matter), but they are intended to be beautiful items, which is something that they have in common with different timepieces bearing the Corum logo.The devotion to the sphere in these bits is unwavering. In my opinion, this collection works only because it is so unconcerned with anything but the most faithful realisation of its own distinct concept. To take advantage of this re-release opportunity, Corum has partnered with famous cymbal producer Paiste. Paiste have been enlisted to make a unique dial to get your Corum Bubble Paiste special edition watch. The dial of the Corum Bubble Paiste is a tiny cymbal created by Paiste in precisely the same way they would earn a full-size cymbal. I’m quietly confident it would function as intended were it removed from the home and attached to some kit, but if it’s just for display, it looks great.